Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 10 June 2020

Berilis Limited is the Data Controller of the website (the "Website"), and is a company domiciled at Eleftheriou Venizelou 1, Egkomi, 2414 Nicosia, Cyprus. This Privacy Policy details your privacy rights, including under the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR”). Please read this Policy carefully as it constitutes a binding Agreement along with the Terms.

1. Personal Data The Website collects certain types of personal data when you register on theWebsite, such as name, location, and email address. By providing this information you declare that the information and data you have provided are accurate, and you explicitly consent the processing of that personal data. The Website may automatically receive information on our server logs from your browser, such as IP addresses, and information about your activity in our services.

  1. 2. What Happens With Your Personal Data We collect data is to properly operate the Website for you. This includes: to manage your registration as a user, allow your access, and operate and maintain theWebsite. Based on the existence of a legitimate interest of the Website, we use information about you to customize your experience, keep you informed about the Website, and to carry out periodic reviews of our Website.

  2. 3. Who Your Data Is Shared With We only share users’ personal data with third parties under certain circumstances, which are consultants, business partners, and other service providers who need access to this information to perform their services. These third parties may have access to your information as necessary to perform their duties, and they are contractually obliged to maintain the confidentiality of any personal data they may come in contact with as part of the rendering of their services to the Website. These third parties are included in the following activities/services: 1 )Web server hosting, Amazon Web Services (AWS), which uses servers in multiple data centers across the US and is GDPR compliant; (2) Data analysis (3) Marketing services (4) Security services. We may share your personal data if such disclosure is in accordance with or required by any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request. We also may share aggregated or anonymized information which cannot be reasonably used to identify you in order to gather data to enhance and design the Website. We guarantee that the necessary safeguards are in place to ensure that the data can be transferred securely, either because the provider offers adequate guarantees through, among others, its participation in the Privacy Shield EU-US and Swiss-US, the signing of Standard Contractual Clauses of the European Commission, or any of the exceptions contained in the regulations.

  3. 4. Cookies When you visit the Website, we or third-party service providers may use a "Cookie" – a small, text-only file or similar technologies to automatically collect and store non-personally-identifiable information about your usage of the Website--like IP address, browser type, the links and items clicked on, ad impressions, and visited web pages. Cookies enhance your experience on theWebsite. For example, we use Cookies to store your password so you don’t have to enter it more than once, and to recognize you if you return to theWebsite from the same web browser. If you don’t want theWebsite to collect this information through Cookies, you may set your web browser to reject Cookies from theWebsite. Each web browser is different, so please check your browser’s “Help” menu to learn how to change Cookie preferences. Please be advised that when Cookies are disabled or rejected, you may not be able to use the Member Services or experience the full functionality of theWebsite.

  4. 5. Exercising Your Rights If we no longer need to process your personal data for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, we will delete your personal data from our systems. In case you are a European citizen or resident and are subject to the GDPR, you may exercise your rights by contacting us. Under the GDPR, you may also file a claim with the corresponding Supervisory Authority if you believe we have violated the data protection legislation when processing your personal data.

  5. 6. Modifications We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any such changes will be posted to thisWebsite and effective as of the date written above at “Last Updated.”